Royal Appreciation Day

On Sunday 16th October 2011 Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal presented Wootton Bassett with the Letters Patent, on behalf of Her Majesty The Queen, that honoured the town with highest honour possible, the title Royal, in honour of the people of Wootton Bassett and their actions as repatriations passed through the town.

Wootton Bassett Rocks! was born out of one of these repatriations. The charity single and video was produced in memory of fallen heroes, and as such, it was fitting that the public premiere was on the big screens (with the assistance of Royal Wootton Bassett Town Council) for the people and friends of Royal Wootton Bassett on the Appreciation Day.

Many thanks to Dandelion for allowing us to use their window and shop for the day.

Wootton Bassett Rocks! Shop 

The window display attracts lots of people 

Wootton Bassett Rocks! Sales Team 

Wootton Bassett Rocks! Premieres on the BIG Screens 

Wootton Bassett, be proud of your achievements . . . but we've only just started! 

Now we need to raise £1 million to support our chosen charites
Please support us, to support families affected by conflict

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